>I forgot all about that. However, something very curious is happening on
>my system. I would like your input. Apparently, I can run my REXX script
>without out first registering the REXX Utility functions???? Why????
Because some other REXX script registered it and left it registered.
While it is a good idea to deregister private REXX libraries when you are
done with them, the use of REXXUtil is so pervaisive, there's not much
benefit to doing this. I already register it, just in case, and leave it
registered on exit. The next script that needs it runs a bit faster. :-)
>I find that the REXX Utility functions are now registered, directly and
>right after I ran the script fro step #2, above
>Do you have any thoughts on this?
I suspect something changed and nothing gets unloaded until every session
unloads the library. Try this which is even simpler than your test case:
/* REXX */
say 'rxfuncquery sysloadfuncs' RXFUNCQUERY("SYSLOADFUNCS")
say 'rxfuncquery sysdropfuncs' RXFUNCQUERY("SYSDROPFUNCS")
say 'rxfuncquery sysdrivemap' RXFUNCQUERY("SYSDRIVEMAP")
CALL SysDropFuncs
say 'rxfuncquery sysloadfuncs' RXFUNCQUERY("SYSLOADFUNCS")
say 'rxfuncquery sysdropfuncs' RXFUNCQUERY("SYSDROPFUNCS")
say 'rxfuncquery sysdrivemap' RXFUNCQUERY("SYSDRIVEMAP")
The behavior does not match the documenation.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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