>Hi Harry, Hi Butch, Hi everbody
>Butch's struggling with RSJ shows once more again the importance
>a very frequent WPS archiving and the command ARCINST ;-)
>With these frequent archives we will have a chance to restore
back to
>a well working environment if anything wents wrong ;-))
>It has been so helpful in sooo many times for me that I cannot
>enough to do so ;-)))
>But do not forget to adjust your OS2.KEY file to your personal
needs ...
>... otherwise you will be disappointed ;-(
>To anybody with an OS2.KEY file containing these few lines only:
>Your archiving task will not be done properly !!!
>Do ask for more instructions from your collegues ;-))
>Kind regards, svobi
What files do you add to the list above?
FIA for the info.
Jack Huffman
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