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Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 08:55:09 PST7
From: Harry Chris Motin < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: uninstall of RSJ cd writer program

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Steven is right about the possibility of RSJ installing some drivers on
your system, and you should check, just as he suggested. However, I
presume that you are using the latest version of RSJ, or perhaps the one
just before that. I believe the latest version is 4.04. The one before
that was 3.61. I used both versions and (I think) RSJ had fixed that
problem by then. Anyway, I had no problems of that sort.

However, you should check, eventually. Since your system now boots, it's
less of a priority (I would think! - (that's just my thoughts)).

Have you made any final decisions about RSJ? Are you going to find out
if your hardware is directly supported? Have you contacted RSJ Software,

If you decide to use RSJ, I can instruct you (later) about using
Daniela's drivers to "see" your CD-R/CD-RW unit without having to attach
it through the RSJ software. In other words, without this back door
through Daniela's drivers, you cannot see or use your CD-R/CD-RW unit,
except through the RSJ software. And therefore, you have to bring up the
software and "attach" the unit to use it for anything at all. Sometimes,
however, you just want to use your unit as a regular CD-ROM device, to
read CD-ROM's, not to write them. Without Daniela's back door this is
not possible.

Using the back door you will have a new drive icon for the unit on you
desktop. The drive letter will be your next alphabet letter. Then, if
you want to use the CD unit to write to CD's, you attach it with RSJ.
Another drive icon will appear on your desktop. The alphabet letter will
be "Z", unless you have changed it to something else in the RSJ
configuration. If you open up both drive icons, they will show the
exactly the same files and directories.

And of course, now you can use all of the RSJ software facilities to
write to CD's and make CD labels, etc.


Steven Levine wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> In <>, on 09/22/02
> at 06:12 AM, Harry Chris Motin said:
> >it that do not apply to your unit. There is a chance that your RSJ
> >installation replaced some of your previous IDE drivers (Steven's idea).
> >I doubt that.
> There's always a doubting Harry out there somewhere. :-) Take a gander
> at:
> and note the fix done for v3.51.
> >However, we should test it out by comparing your existing
> >CONFIG.SYS to a previous one.
> Better to check file dates. IIRC RSJ installed the driver to a
> non-standard location, either root or \os2, so check everywhere. Also,
> since the driver is a BASEDEV, there's no path to check in config.sys.
> Steven
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4
> #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> to "". In the body of the message,
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