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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
I believe that you are jumping too fast to conclusions that may not be
valid. RSJ probably WILL WORK with your CD unit. It probably needs an
updated CDDRV.INF file, which RSJ will E-Mail to you. Please read my
previous E-Mail to you.
The install of RSJ is not corrupt. It tries to auto detect your
hardware. It is probably failing to correctly detect (thinks you've got
a particular unit that you do not have) and is trying to apply drivers
to it that do not apply to your unit. There is a chance that your RSJ
installation replaced some of your previous IDE drivers (Steven's idea).
I doubt that. However, we should test it out by comparing your existing
CONFIG.SYS to a previous one.
As I said previously, back out of the RSJ attempt to install drivers at
bootup. Either REM out the RSJ driver lines in your CONFIG.SYS file, or
better yet, go back to a previous version of that file, the latest one
you have before you installed RSJ.
Then, go to the CDDRV.INF file as I said in my previous E-Mail and see
if your CD unit is supported. If it is not, you have to contact RSJ
Software and have them E-Mail you an updated file with lines added to it
to support your unit. 99 times out of 100 they can successfully help
you. I've been this route, so I know. It worked for me, first time,
after a applied the new RSJ file.
There are some plus and minuses to going to cdrecord versus RSJ. On the
plus side cdrecord is free (I believe). On the minus side it is not have
all the functionality as RSJ.
If you are determined to uninstall RSJ, as I recall (do not quote me
here) you do it from the install program that comes with it.
____________________________________________________________________________ wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> I was able to get my system to boot. However, I am thinking the install
> of RSJ was corrupt in some way. There is no way I can determine to
> uninstall the program. The initial page of the installation program does
> have an "uninstall" bar, but it is almost wiped out and is not functional.
> That is, the uninstall does not work. I've checked the RSJ file and there
> is no uninstall file anywhere. Would deleting the RSJ file do the same as
> uninstalling?
> I am going to give cdrecord a try, but I don't want a program on the
> system that isn't functional. Any thoughts?
> Butch
> --
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