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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
"J. R. Fox" wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> {This is a reply I tried to send last week, but I had outbound mail
> server problems, including the List rejecting mail attempts due to the
> temporary "guest" address.}
> Ray wrote:
> > Jordan. Did you ever pursue this further. I have three machines
> > "tamed".
> Not really. Even though the actual culprit turned out to be a
> replacement keyboard driver (from the Ctrl-Alt-Delete Commander
> process killer), which needed to be updated with a later version --
> rather than anything that was part of the video subsystem -- I just
> stayed with the Matrox 2.36 driver I had changed to, as part of the
> troubleshooting process. It is a very known and reliable quantity,
> for me. Perhaps I'll go back and try the new Snap Graphics from SDD
> after awhile, once it has established a substantial, positive track
> record.
My problem was VSVGA.SYS that IBM apparently broke but now has fixed.
SDD 710 with VSVGA.SYS 5-29-02 works "out-of-the-box".
> On another front, I happen to be on the road right now, visiting
> relatives. This includes their home ofc. site for which I originally
> purchased that SMC 7004ABR. You may recall that they had rejected
> this solution at that time, due to their being "network phobic."
> Then, at one of the meetings, we spoke for awhile in the hall, and you
> told me that this was a pretty failsafe item, whose setup was very
> simple. Well, since my last visit a few months ago, they have had a
> consultant here for various setup & training tasks. One of the things
> he did was to install the SMC. Guess he made believers of them. No
> use is currently being made of the print server component, but perhaps
> at some later date. The SMC has proven to be a good solution,
> transparent even for *very* unlearned computer users, and mostly
> trouble-free. There was one incident so far during my stay, in which
> the RoadRunner cable service apparently went down. It was actually
> down for several hours, per a notice on their service area status
> board (alternately reached via dial-up), but the broadband service had
> not returned by the following day. I was going to ask you or Sheridan
> if this was a common occurrence with the SMC. (The consultant
> informed me that he thought he had set the DHCP to renew the dynamic
> lease "forever," though I haven't confirmed this yet. He also
> indicated that he had updated the firmware, something whose degree of
> importance was unknown to me.) In any case, I got everything working
> again by shutting down the two workstations, removing power from the
> SMC, restoring power to the SMC, then rebooting the systems. This
> seemed to get everything back on the same page, and broadband
> connections resumed. I hope this will be a rare event. They do have
> the cable modem, SMC, and workstations on UPSes.
I have Charter cable. I do occasionally loose the connection. Usually
when I call tech support, the kid who answers the phone, and who is
apparently reading off a card, says "we don't support routers, remove
the router". Or even worse, boot Win and start fiddling. I have
occasionally managed to talk to someone who actually knows something.
"Somehow" the various parts loose track of who they are supposed to be
connected to. Based on that I have setup the following.
I have a five output power buss; modem, router and three computers.
Power down everything. Power modem, wait until
power-receive-send-online lights are on steady and activity light is
flashing. Power router, wait for M1 flashing. Boot computers.
I tend to leave leave the modem and router powered when I shut down the
computers because it can sometimes take a while to get the modem
> Jordan
> Later Addendum: According to the router's Setup screens, f/w was never
> updated beyond v. 1.10. I meant to check the DHCP settings, but
> forgot. During my week there, broadband connection was lost *twice*,
> at roughly a 3-day interval, and I'm told it happened again, for a
> third time, since I left. The fix, as mentioned above, has not been a
> big deal, but this is cause for concern. Is something not right with
> this SMC setup, or is this just an unavoidable characteristic of the
> RoadRunner cable modem service ?
Yea, I think it is part of the package, but it should not happen very
often and should be easy to fix.
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