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J. R. Fox wrote:
> Those are not ordinary cables.
> They're, beeeg, thick honkin' cables.
Those are the worst kind. Too much capacitance. Your high end will
> > the 12" vinyl platter ... acts like a microphone
> I've been recording to *tape* for a great many
> years, and never had a problem with this.
Set the needle on the vinyl, turn the motor off so it doesn't spin, and
turn up the speaker volume. Then stomp on the floor and watch your
needles. Yell and then play back the tape.
As long as you are happy with what you have recorded, that's great.
After all, that's the whole idea.
> > If the speakers were too loud we
> > would get ringing feedback on the discs.
> This has never been a factor, in my experience.
> My speakers (indeed the amp driving them) are OFF
How do you monitor what you are doing? How do you know if there's a
> > Don't forget to set your turntable
> My turntable is on a Sound Organisation stand ... The
> stand seems to provide all the isolation that is required.
Good. You have isolation.
> > > The obvious solution would be a
> > > laptop for doing the capture to H/D.
> >
> > No. The sound chips in laptops are often
> >worse than those on the better sound cards.
> Does the signal even pass through those sound chips ?
Last time I checked it did. The analog sound wave goes to the sound
chip where a circuit called an Analog-to-Digital Converter ("A/D")
measures it 44,100 times every second. These measurements are what is
stored in the digital data file.
These sound chips have lots of different qualities. Distortion.
Noise. Jitter. The number of low-order bits which are accurate. The
better the chip, the better the measured quality. If you are happy with
the laptop's sound, then use it.
> "there ain't no magic wire."
That's very true.
> I don't think I was aware of [Stan Ricker], but I did
> meet Doug Sax a couple times. Thought that *he* was
> the maestro of super-fi recording on the W. Coast.
Stan did half-speed cutting from master tapes. That's different from
direct-to-disc. Doug, Stan and a handful of others in town were all
experts although each found a different niche.
> Some folks have added a dedicated cd-burner
> audio-deck to their music systems.
I looked at these about a year ago. Aside from the packaging you still
have the same considerations. The weakest link is always the sound
chip. If you like the sound, then use it. Same with speakers. They
all sound different; buy the ones you like.
- Peter
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