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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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I finally found a simple way to create a boot cd for OS/2.
I found a web site that was helpful:
While this author is somewhat disorganized and hard to follow, he does
have two useful links: one to a "list" of essential files, and one to a
"config.sys" sample file.
First I created a 2.88 virtual floppy (drive "Y").
Then I went to my OS/2 maintenance partition -- which works but is too big
to put on a 2.88 floppy. (I think I originally made the maintenance
partition using os2boot, but it was a long time ago and I can't remember
for sure -- but the files are similar to those on the installation
Using the "list" as a guide, I copied the essential files from maintenance
partition to the virtual floppy, except I substuted the dani drivers for
the ones he used. I also substituted daniboot.flt for cd_boot.flt.
I then edited my config.sys file to make it compatible.
Using RSJ cdboot, I created a boot image from the "y" drive to the CD.
OS/2 boot up quickly. The CD was drive a:, and the floppy drive was now
drive b:
If anyone has questions or wants more specifics, let me know.
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