on Sat, 23 Aug 2003
01:53:58 PDT7
> Hi Rocky
> Yes, I am using
> http://go.icq.com
> quite a long time and started long before with it when ICQ
> started to keep the contact adresses on their servers !
> Since begin it's the used ICQ chatting tool !!
> Well, I better stop here.
> I hope you can understand my explantation in my "Swiss-German-English"
> and with I do not cause some misinterpretations or misunderstandings ;-)
Actually, yes this was very helpful. It gives me a much better view of the
pros and cons of the ICQ2go client. Just one last thing. I'm wondering how
much what you've noticed is due to the specific Java version you're using.
Which one is it, 1.1.8, 1.3.x or 1.4.x. Thank you.
> Have a nice weekend and cheers
> svobi
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