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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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That's $150 each for the WD 36GB SATA 10K drives below!
18GB 10Krpm SCSI drives are plentiful on the surplus market.
These are SCA 80-pin drives, but nevertheless useable. has U320-verified converters for just $14. has 1.6" high (HH), Ultra2, 4MB
Seagates for $15 (a lot of people like Seagate (just not me))!
36GB U160 drives are currently $100-$125 on Pricewatch, where the
IBM brand can be had "For a Few Dollars More".
-- Steve
On 8/29/03, Steven Levine wrote, in part:
>>... 10K RPM [IDE] drives ... Seagate or one of the others *must* make some
>The do, but they are now yet widely available, TTBOMK. See:
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