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Svobi replied to Butch:
> >Without touching version 0.6 I would experiment with version 0.61 !!
> >Feeling secure that the newer version runs better than the previous or
> >secure I would transfer (copy NOT move) my data into newer environment !
> >The old 0.6 version remains untouched ;-)
> >Later with i.e. version 0.62 I would repeat my procedure as described
> >again ! If I notice that the newest version is running properly THEN I do delete
> >the eldest i.e. here 0.6 version !
> >Like this I am having always a proper running version ;-))
> >Like this I am always having a chance for a worling roll-back ;-)) Like
> >this I am not trapped with having the previous version deleted and the
> >newest one not working ;-((
I consider this another vote in favor of having a separate "experimental" partition,
in which to try these things out. Maybe it should best be entirely separate, but -- out
of laziness -- I have generally had my Maintenance Partition double in that role.
That wouldn't be so advisable if what one is experimenting *with* is overall-system-
critical, or if it is something you are apt to be dependent on when in maintenance
mode (such as you browser). If the test is of something I judge to be lower risk, I
might let it proceed in the main work partition. Things like alternate drivers would
likely just cost you a couple of extra reboots, if they don't work out.
But you're right: can't see any percentage in scrapping some older version that is
known to work, in favor of an upgrade that is an unknown quantitiy.
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