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Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 10:25:10 PDT7
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: using drive tray with 2nd hard drive to back up

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Jeffrey Race asked:

> Is this 'BootECS' which appears in WiseMachine? If so why would I
> replace BootMagic with it and if it is a good idea, how would I do
> this.

No, best not to confuse these two. BootECS is a continuation of BootOS2, the utilty for
making emergency boot diskettes (which I'm fairly well satisfied *no longer work* with today's
larger kernels and driver files -- even if some remain agnostic on that score), or making a
compact, bootable maintenance partition on hard drive. I'm not familiar with BootMagic, but
it seems to be in the same genre as System Commander, Power-Boot, K-Boot, and others. Boot
Manager, on the other hand, has been included with OS/2 for a long time, maybe back as far as
Warp 3. It's pretty spartan, feature-wise, but it gets the job done.

> Most things I feel confident to try but I have always shrunk
> from fiddling with partitioning/booting utilities since it involves
> so much I don't know about. If you say it is a good idea I can try
> it but I need to know the gotchas first. (Esp. how to disable it,
> since I always have to disable Boot Magic before installing an OS.
> This is easy with Boot Magic, just do if from a floppy, which I always
> carry with me.)

If you happen to live in SoCal, you could get assistance with this at the in-person Help Desk,
which takes place once a month. If not, maybe
there is someone in your area who could help out. Working with hard drives, sooner or later
you will defintely need to make some partition adjustments.



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