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Installation of ecs 1.1 on my TP760E, which can't boot from CD, stops with
an error (RC = -1) part way through phase1.cmd. However, the system is
left with a working command line and I have another big, clean, HPFS
partition on the HD. Would it be possible to copy the installation CD to
this partition and start the installation over from there? Or, since I
also have access from the command line to the CD, could I restart the
installation manually from the CD drive? My reasoning is that there's
something missing or in error on the floppies and these tricks would
emulate an install from the CD eliminating the need for the floppies. If
either of these tactics has any hope of working, what program on the
installation CD should be invoked to start the process?
Been struggling with this install since May.
Ben A.
Benedict G. Archer
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