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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Steven Levine said:
> It's not that hard:
> - Save your current config.sys
> - Edit config.sys to shorten the PATHs.
> - Run the install
> - Restore your saved config.sys
> - Reboot
Actually, its a bit more involved than that. Even if I temporarily
remove the paths to non essential, non-system programs, at least my
LIBPATH statement would still be over the 256 character limit (I use
pretty long descriptive paths). Therefore, I had to write a series of
four (4) REXX scripts to help me:
1. The first one parsed all the individual paths in the LIBPATH, PATH,
DPATH and HELP statements in CONFIG.SYS. Then it copied over all the
files in those individual paths to four (4) new directories
2. Then, I could manually edit the LIBPATH, PATH, DPATH and HELP
statements to refer only to the new directories
3. The other 3 REXX files helped me with my system after File and Print
Client installation (checking the restored CONFIG.SYS file against the
before and after CONFIG.SYS files to make sure I included all the paths
that I needed to, etc)
I (basically) knew it would work, because I used these scripts before to
install. But when your working with (read that as struggling with)
software, you remember the trying times and wonder whether or not it
will still work. Anyway, the spirit does not want to go there!
But, it all worked out this time.
Steven Levine wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> In <>, on 02/19/03
> at 06:21 AM, Harry Chris Motin said:
> >the CONFIG.SYS and copying the necessary system and program files to 4
> >temporary directories (one each for the LIBPATH, PATH, DPATH and HELP
> >statement files).
> It's not that hard:
> - Save your current config.sys
> - Edit config.sys to shorten the PATHs.
> - Run the install
> - Restore your saved config.sys
> - Reboot
> You might need to reboot after editing config.sys and then you might not.
> >Steven, is there any harm in selecting the "LAN Administration" along
> >with the "Sharing" choices under the "File and Print Client" installation
> >window? That's what I selected the last time.
> No, that seems to work just fine.
> FWIW, I took a look at the PeerWSPFixup code on the eCS CD. It would not
> be that hard to modify to run on your Warp4 box. it might even work.
> Steven
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.35 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4
> #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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