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> - unzip gsv431os2 to a work directory (you can junk the directories)
> - copy gs800os2 to the directory containing os2setup.exe
> do not unzip it
> - run os2setup
> - follow the dialogs
> this should install GS and GV and create a desktop object
> - click on the Desktop object and fill in the settings
>Is this what you are doing? If you are doing this and os2setup is
>failing, you need to fix that first. Anything else will be harder.
>Check your emx version first.
Yes, this is exactly what I am doing. The setup program goes through a
number of questions, and then when it says to click on "finish" and I do
that, is when I get the Sys3175.
I reinstalled the latest version of EMX but it doesn't make any
Would it make sense to go back to an earlier version?
>>The documentation refers to GVOS2.EXE, but not to GVPM.EXE.
>I sounds like you are reading the the wrong documentation. The file you
>want is readme.htm from the GV zip file:
Well that does make a difference.
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