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Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:11:12 PST8
From: Michael Rakijas < >
To: scoug-help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Peer install problem on eCS

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** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Tue, 11 Feb
2003 23:45:23 PST8

> In <>, on 02/11/03
> at 09:20 PM, Michael Rakijas said:
> >Can't be sure about net.acc except that I didn't get to do much to farkle
> >it myself - I never got in to play with access rights for myself let
> >alone anyone else.
> You did indirectly when you created users, connections and shares.
> net.acc holds all these settings. You might try replacing net.acc with a
> fresh copy off the install CD.

I couldn't find one on the install CD. I looked for a file net.* to account
for a possible compressed version of the file. No go. The only net.acc on this
system was in the \IBMLAN\INSTALL and this made me a little suspicious. I
looked on another system and it looks the business end of the net.acc file
should go in the \IBMLAN\ACCOUNTS directory. This directory was otherwise empty
on the machine in question. So, I copied it there ... with no change in

> > Somewhat strangely, my startup.cmd is a zero length
> >file in the root.
> This is probably an install byproduct. Isn't the empty window annoying?

Only a little. I've been doing so much debugging and diagnosing on this
machine, opening a command line window probably would have been a likely first
step anyway.

> If so, either delete startup.cmd until you need it or append and exit
> command so it closes.

Will do ... once I've resolved this problem.

> >"NETWKSTA.200 requester is not installed" error.
> You still have a driver problem. Does the NIC work for TCP/IP? I forget.

Yes. TCP/IP works fine.

> >"Unexpected error 2102 occurred. SYS2102: The network is not started.
> This is all related to the driver issue.
> >Something's farkled, eh? But what?
> Well, it's either a lan driver or net.acc. You might want to crank up
> Theseus and make sure all the drivers called out in config.sys are loaded.

Well, at least the card driver is loaded. I'll try and do that next.

> Also, read up on the MPTS applet nbjdstat in the MPTS configuration guide.
> nbjdstat *
> is a good test of NetBIOS connectivity and driver operation.

Where can I find the guide? I tried executing that from a command line but I
guess from your description, it needs to run from the MPTS context?

> Steven



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