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This message is both a status report and a request for HELP! I've been
working on my LAN, off and on, between other projects. I have some
successes and I have some problems. Specifically:
1. I have not yet set up TCPIP correctly (I cannot successfully ping my
2. Netbeui works! On my machine I can see and manipulate the files and
folders that are in the "Shared" folder on my wife's machine (cool). I
can see
her printer and I can print to it (cool). I have already set up an
between Excel files and my Mesa2 spreadsheet app. Now, while on my
machine, I can double click on an Excel file (that I
previously placed placed in the shared folder on her machine). Now it
opens into Mesa2 (real cool!! Thanks Randell and Roland!!).
3. My biggest problem is that I don't seem to have all the
applications that should be in my "Network" folder (based on my
online reading). And that is what I'm asking help on. I have the
in the Network folder:
A. File and Print Client Resource Browser (when opened, shows my
machine and my wife's machine; I can access the shared folder on her
machine from here)
B. LAN Server Administration (a shadow)
C. Logons (a shadow)
File and Print Client Workstation Logon
LAN Server Logon
Start File and Print Client
D. Network Messaging
E. Network Services
Logons (the original)
File and Print Client Workstation Logon
LAN Server Logon
Start File and Print Client
LAN Server Administration (the original)
According to my online reading I should also have the following apps:
1. Network User Account
2. Shared Resources and Network Connections
3. Audit Log
4. Error Log
5. Network DDE and Clipboard
Someone (anyone) who has File and Print Client can help by telling me
the apps that they have in their Network folder. Also, I need to know
the paths to these apps. My thinking is that I can simply create program
objects for these apps and place them in my Network folder. Thanks in
advance for your help.
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