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I want to find out what is beeping.
One of the 25 apps open on my workstation has started beeping at me
every couple of minutes; the beep sounds like a very short three-tone
ascending sequence.
I've gone through every window looking for some kind of message, to no
-- I'm not running any cpu thermal software.
-- I have 256 MB and most is available.
-- No apparent network problems.
-- No hard drive error messages (I'm running both HARDMON and
-- My SMC firewall doesn't show anything unusual (other than a few
attempts on "the usual ports").
-- My OS2*.INI files both show current times so they are being updated.
-- My sendmail queue is empty.
I can't think of anything else to check. I suppose it could be a
driver or the kernel rather than a program.
Is there a utility I can run that will monitor the cpu speaker (the
beeping is from the cabinet speaker, not the sound card speakers) and
tell me which program/PID/driver is using the thing?
Think I'll run an unscheduled backup right now, "just in case".
- Peter
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