This looks much better.
>Now the symptom is as follows. If I try to run NET START REQ or NET
>START PEER, I get NETWKSTA.200 requester driver is not installed. If I
This usually means that ibmlan.ini is not in sync with protocol.ini.
Protocol.ini needs to define netbios adapter 0 to NetBEUI:
DriverName = netbios$
ADAPTER0 = netbeui$,0
and bind NetBEUI to the NIC:
DriverName = netbeui$
Bindings = EL90XIO2_nif
Ibmlan.ini needs to bind adapter 0 to network 1:
net1 = NETBEUI$,0,LM10,100,150,14
and tell Peer to use net1:
srvnets = NET1
>run C:\MUGLIB\LOGON.EXE /v:local and try to enter the default username
>and password, it says 'access denied' because I am already logged on
That is odd. Are you sure your net.acc is not farkled and that you don't
have a login command in startup.cmd. Some folks do that.
net error
it might give you some clues. There's also:
net audit
but I suspect it's too soon for this log to be of use.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.35 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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