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J. R. Fox wrote:
> There was a basic ASK like this packaged
> with most versions of the Norton Utilities.
Aha! I own Norton for DOS and I've used Norton's BE (Batch
Enhancer). It's quite functional and it includes ASK.
> Another possibility: the Graham Util.s ar
> closely patterned after the old Norton set
Hey, good thinking. I also own Graham Utils and there's
a clone of BE in the package.
Chris Graham didn't quite manage a "clean" clone of Norton,
so now I have to figure out how to keep Graham's BE from
displaying a 78-character I.D. line every time it runs:
[H:\temp]type gutest.cmd
@echo off
be ask "Howdy " abc
echo a [unlike Norton, Graham doesn't echo your response so you need an "echo"]
[BE-Batch Enhancer, V2.00 - 31/08/96 - (C) Chris Graham - WarpSpeed Computers]
Howdy a
Thanks, Jordan.
- Peter
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