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Hi Harry
you have 2 big HDD's !
This takes time !!
On my system I do have 3 HDD's
7.5 GB Systems only
20 GB System dedicated data only
75 GB User and Shared Data
The configuration without the 75 GB HDD needed ca 1 1/2 mintes to
boot ...
... now with this big 75 GB added it needs 4 minutes with an
1.3MHz CPU
and 512MB RAM !!!
It seems that the bigger the drives the longer the time will be.
ONE question:
Why is your C: partition 8 GB ???
My first drive with system partitions i.e. looks like following:
Disk 1
Partition Information
Name Status Access FS Type
WS221DOS Bootable : Primary FAT
None : Unusable
FreeSpace 2831
Startable : Primary
WS221_A Bootable : Primary HPFS
WS221_F Bootable C: Primary HPFS
None : Unusable
FreeSpace 1106
Changing the SWAP path to another drive than the system
partitions drive
also speeds up !
Compacting all your partition sizes may result in a faster boot
up time too !?
ONE more question:
You use DaniS506.ADD with some parms ! Why ?
Normally there are no parms needed !?
Are you also using the other drivers from Dani: DaniATAPI and
DaniDASD ?
Well, I stop here and may come with another comments and
after studying your CONFIG.SYS :-)
Have a nice day !
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