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Rocky wrote:
> I would recommend this, actually, anyway since you have a large D:\ drive. I
> boot to a 6 GB drive (Master, IDE) formatted HPFS C:\. I have a 32 GB (Slave,
> IDE) formatted HPFS D:\ that would not go through a chkdsk if it wound up dirty
> after an abnormal shutdown. Even with 256 MB of main memory, chkdsk would
> complain of not enough memory.
I believe, here, you were referring to CHKDSK problems on D:\ with your
normal system up, not CHKDSK problems, when booted to a minimal OS/2
system, using floppies. My problem was booting to a minimal system,
using floppies. Anyhow, SCOUG help I was able to solve the problem
(please see another E-mail from me on this subject).
Rocky wrote:
> sure but I though I was supposed to remove D: from the autocheck list of the
> HPFS IFS statement but it is in my current CONFIG.SYS so I don't think it's too
> big of a problem.
With your big a 32 GB D:\ drive, the autocheck is spending a lot of time
on D:\ during the bootup. You can probably reduce your boot time by at
least 3 minutes, if you remove D:\ from the autocheck parameters. The
downside here is that if you have to shutdown your system dirty, you
will need to have a reliable alternate method of implementing CHKDSK on
D:\ (and any other partitions you eliminate from the autocheck). That's
why it was so very important that I get CHKDSK to work, when booting
from floppies. Booting from floppies is the way I do maintenance on my
system, when I need to do so in the absence of a fully up system. By
changing the autocheck parameters from:
I was able to reduce my boot up time from 10 minutes to 3.
Michael Rakijas wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
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> =====================================================
> ** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Sat, 25 Jan
> 2003 10:08:51 PST8
> > In <>, on 01/25/03
> > at 08:53 AM, Harry Chris Motin said:
> >
> >
> > I recall these from the last thread.
> >
> > Chkdsk shouldn't trap, but since you are running Warp4, you are running an
> > older version of chkdsk and newer versions might avoid the trap.
> >
> > Here's a couple of things you can try none of which is sure to work.
> >
> > If you have eCS, try the version of chkdsk*/uhpfs.dll on the CD. The is
> > effectively MCP1 level code. MCP2 and FP3 have further updates. FP3 is
> > available from the eCS website.
> >
> > You might try installing the chkdsk.sys driver, although I don't think it
> > will solve your problem.
> I would recommend this, actually, anyway since you have a large D:\ drive. I
> boot to a 6 GB drive (Master, IDE) formatted HPFS C:\. I have a 32 GB (Slave,
> IDE) formatted HPFS D:\ that would not go through a chkdsk if it wound up dirty
> after an abnormal shutdown. Even with 256 MB of main memory, chkdsk would
> complain of not enough memory. By installing the chkdsk.sys driver, you allow
> the system to use virtual memory to perform chkdsk. My chkdsks now work every
> time. Check the FP15 read me for the details but on my system, I have a
> BASEDEV=CHKDSK.SYS statement near the end of my CONFIG.SYS file and a
> CALL=C:\OS2\CHKDSK.COM D: /C statement right after my DPATH statement. I'm not
> sure but I though I was supposed to remove D: from the autocheck list of the
> HPFS IFS statement but it is in my current CONFIG.SYS so I don't think it's too
> big of a problem. My guess is that it errors out if it has to there in the IFS
> install (which can only use physical memory) but when it's run later, it can use
> virtual as well. Again, check the FP15 readme for details. Good luck.
> > Steven
> -Rocky
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