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Wayne wrote:
> I experienced a difficulty with Flash 5 (September 2002 demo version) under
> Netscape 4.61 (last IBM release in 2001)...
> Using a site with a short "movie" (animated photo) under Windows 95 and
> Internet Explorer gives me a Flash picture "window" about half the size of
> my 20-inch display screen, works great.
> But when I try that same site under Warp 4 with Netscape the picture
> "window" is less than half-inch square. The picture "window" cannot be
> enlarged by grabbing it's edges with the cursor.
I haven't seen your particular problem with Flash 5, so I have no suggestions here.
However, I have gone to a couple sites where Flash content (presumably Flash 6,
now gaining traction in the Windoze world) either locked up NS 4.61 repeatedly,
or, in one case, actually crashed Warp 4 ! It was likely not Flash alone that was
responsible, though. Running Mozilla 1.2 + eCS + Flash 5 failed to load the site
properly (I can't recall the exact error), but avoided the more harmful results.
NS 4.79 under W2K + Flash 5 just balked at running the Flash section, returning
a simple error message informing me that I needed to obtain Flash 6. (This is ideally
how it should work in OS/2, but doesn't.) The issue was resolved after I installed
Flash 6.
I'm not sure that the OS/2 version ever had all the capabilities of the Win-32 one.
Just f.y.i., I had an email exchange with Innotek, and they told me that whether or
not there will be a Flash 6 for OS/2 depends on licensing arrangements, still to be
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