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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
I don't know if this will help, but Amouse was updated this month.
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 22:31:45 PDT7, Tom Brown wrote:
>If you are responding to someone asking for help who
>may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
>REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
>I am trying to get the latest version of Amouse (AMOU24U.ZIP, 1031091 bytes) to
>work in my system with the mouse connected via USB. I have not had any success
>so far with the USB part. I am running eCS 1.0 GA + FP3. My hardware is:
>Tyan Tiger S2460 MP with ONE Athlon 1.2 GHz cpu
>Logitech Cordless Mouseman Optical, model M-RM63
>I am also running the Scitech SNAP 2.1 display driver.
>The mouse works just fine if I plug it into the PS/2 port with the USB to PS/2
>adapter supplied by Logitech. When I plug it into a USB port, either directly or
>via a hub, it does NOT work. It DOES show up in the USB Resource Manager,
>I have attached the relevant sections from my CONFIG.SYS and the AMOUSE
>directory (pruned to remove EPFI stuff). I had to fix CONFIG.SYS after the
>AMOUSE installation since it left a line containing:
>which didn't work for some reason. I also have a later copy of USBMOUSE.SYS:
>Can anyone give me some guidance? Have I got the order wrong in CONFIG.SYS?
>Thanks in advance for your time!
>REM ************ BEGIN USB *****************
>REM ************ END USB *****************
>Directory of F:\amouse
> 3-16-02 8:47p 0 .
> 3-16-02 8:47p 0 ..
> 2-02-03 3:09p 29790 4070 AMOU001.DLL
> 2-02-03 3:09p 12708 0 AMOU001.HLP
> 2-02-03 3:09p 29788 4070 AMOU007.DLL
> 2-02-03 3:09p 30330 4070 AMOU033.DLL
> 2-02-03 3:09p 15807 0 AMOU033.HLP
> 2-02-03 3:09p 30303 4070 AMOU039.DLL
> 2-02-03 3:09p 13844 0 AMOU039.HLP
> 2-02-03 3:09p 29790 4070 AMOU046.DLL
> 2-02-03 3:09p 14828 0 AMOU046.HLP
> 2-02-03 3:09p 29789 4070 AMOU049.DLL
> 2-02-03 3:09p 15306 0 AMOU049.HLP
> 2-02-03 2:15p 27282 0 AMOUDLL.DLL
> 2-02-03 2:00p 17756 61 AMOUHOOK.DLL
> 7-29-03 8:54a 0 AMOUSE.$BK
> 2-02-03 2:15p 88172 4070 AMOUSE.DLL
>10-05-02 5:00a 546 197 AMOUSE.DSC
> 2-02-03 2:15p 64568 4070 AMOUSE.EXE
>10-05-02 5:00a 815 197 AMOUSE.ICF
>10-05-02 2:20a 4026 238 AMOUSE.ICO
> 2-02-03 7:12a 311722 0 AMOUSE.PAK
> 2-02-03 7:12a 17059 0 AMOUSE.PKG
> 1-27-03 2:41a 22431 0 AMOUSE.SYS
>12-27-02 5:02p 33332 61 MOUCLASS.EXE
>12-27-02 5:03p 34368 61 MOUSYDLL.EXE
> 6-02-02 11:40p 46324 0 NBAUDIO.DLL
>12-27-02 9:29a 4102 35 read.me
> 5-21-02 3:41p 12338 0 USBMOUSE.SYS
> 30 file(s) 937124 bytes used
> 1346791 K bytes free
>USB drivers:
> 9-19-02 6:59p 21672 0 USBD.SYS
> 9-19-02 7:00p 13310 0 USBHID.SYS
> 5-21-02 3:41p 12338 0 USBMOUSE.SYS
> 1-16-03 7:57p 33368 0 USBMSD.ADD
> 9-19-02 6:59p 31386 0 usbohcd.sys
> 4-20-02 12:07a 38844 0 USBRESMG.SYS
>Tom Brown
>thombrown at san dot rr dot com
>Member SCOUG, V.O.I.C.E. & SDAA
>running eComStation GA + FP 3
> eCS system uptime is 0 days 01:57 hours
>To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
>to "steward@scoug.com". In the body of the message,
>put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
>For problems, contact the list owner at
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
to "steward@scoug.com". In the body of the message,
put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
For problems, contact the list owner at
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