, on 06/26/03
at 02:09 PM, kfh777@earthlink.net said:
>Apparently not since 1999.
Oh well. :-) The reason is in there.
>There were in '99 a ton of SYS3170, SYS3171 &
>SYS3175 errors involving Netscape. They continued until June 2002. I've
>truncated the front end of the file (still have the rest) and am
I guess they are interesting to someone. :-)
>attaching everything since late May 2002.
Here's your problem and it's a simple, stupid one that should have been
easily found, long ago:
06-26-2003 12:33:25 SYS2070 PID 0023 TID 0001 Slot 0059
06-26-2003 12:51:18 SYS2070 PID 0027 TID 0001 Slot 0057
06-26-2003 12:52:32 SYS2070 PID 002c TID 0001 Slot 0056
If you check your popuplog.os2, this was the failure back in 2002 and
nothing has changed. I'm not quite sure why popuplog.os2 was not checked
back then, but it wasn't.
Just so you understand why, take a look at IBMLAN.INI. Near the end, are
the lines:
messenger = services\msrvinit.exe
peer = services\peerinit.exe
replicator = services\replicat.exe
requester = services\wksta.exe
These are the programs that get run in response to a direct or indirect
net start. You have a DLL mismatch that causes WSTKA.EXE to fail. I
suspect it was caused by your strangely split install. WSKTA.EXE is on I:
and is properly updated. NETAPI.DLL is on J: is still at the base level.
I suspect whatever FP install assist tool you used made a mistake in
setting up the response files because your setup is legal. What did you
use? WarpUP?
You can try to reinstall the Peer IP08414 FP just in case it was a one
time failure. It's probably not. If so, I can suggest a couple of
- move MUGLIB to I: and try the FP install again
- hand install the files to J:\MUGLIB
- uninstall MPTS and Peer and reinstalling both on your boot drive
Do try any of these without me. They are all relatively easy, but, as
they say, there are potential issues.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.37 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.093c_W4
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