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I expect this must be a semi-obsolete topic, but has anyone here ever
replaced a 1.44 fdd with an LS-120 ? (Which I seem to recall was able
to handle regular 1.44 floppies also . . . . ) If so, are you still
using it ? Any driver or other "gotchas", particularly for OS/2 ? If
they also handle the regular 1.44s, do they do so reliably ?
My thinking on this goes as follows: I very seldom use a floppy any
more, and -- notwithstanding Steven's theory that it "ought" to work
-- BOOTOS2 on floppies seems to be D.O.A. as of the later, larger
Warp kernels. A rather well-equipped PM flavor of BOOTOS2 ought to
fit comfortably on an LS-120 disk, provided one can boot off it. I
have H/D maintenance partition options, but always liked having the
floppy option as well.
Assuming this is all doable, are LS-120 drives still on the market,
and can you suggest a good one ?
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