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Larry Tawa has gone to DSL Extreme, as have several other of my friends.
I've not heard of complaints, but now I'll ask and report anything interesting.
My local service is through Verizon, but is not Verizon. They seem
competent enough, for a phone company. My ISP was bought up by IS West.
Perhaps they are worth considering.
On 5/2/03, Jordan Fox wrote, in part:
> ...
>I have just found out that Pac Bell will, as of a future date to be
>announced, be *forcing* its DSL subscribers to migrate to the Yahoo -
>SBC package, ... When the deadline approaches,
>there is an excellent chance I will terminate their service.
>The DSL outfit you previously recommended is not available in this
>area, as we discussed some time ago. My guess is that Verizon DSL
>can't operate in this territory either. So, I'm wondering what other
>DSL options may be available ? (Forget cable modem: you really
>wouldn't want to do business with the franchise-holder for this area.
>I'm looking forward to dropping them for cable-TV service too.) I
>suppose my first inquiry will be with EarthLink. If you have some
>other ideas, I'd be glad to hear them. >Jordan
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