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Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 05:47:36 PDT7
From: "Harry Motin" < >
To: < "" > > ,
Subject: SCOUG-Help: files not found

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.


The procedure is still the same as I outlined to Martin, regardless of whether you use
the 4 OS/2 utility diskettes or the 2 BOOTOS2 diskettes. Specifically:

1. Create the utility diskettes (either the 4 OS/2 utility or the 2 BOOTOS2)

2. Modify the utility diskettes and create a BA2K crash recovery diskette.
Use the BA2K facilities to do this. Click on the "Make Disaster Recovery Diskettes" or
the "Make Disaster Recovery Diskettes (BOOTOS2)" icon inside the BA2K folder

3. Add personal goodie files to the last 2 diskettes to help you automate
your crash recovery procedure (I'll help you with this later)

4. Test out the resulting diskettes:
A. Boot to a minimal OS/2 commandline system using
the diskettes

B. Test the ability to "see" your partitions and files on the
hard drive(s)

C. Insert the crash recovery diskette (the last one) and
test out your ability to start and manipulate the BA2K crash recovery system
(successful startup of the crash recovery, use of the mouse inside the program, ability
to implement the instructions to pick and load the desired, saved backup into the BA2K
crash recovery (don't start the actual recovery through))

Try to implement those things first. I'll be away from this computer until this evening.

On Fri, 2 May 2003 00:42:32 PDT7, wrote:

>I, and probably others, echo Martin's request.
>I am planning to include in each backup to a Plextor CD-RW with RSJ


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P.O. Box 26904
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