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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Speaking of things relating to the Evil Empire, are any of you skilled
at hacking BOOTSECT.DOS, or whatever else may be responsible for
the W2K boot loader being able to do its thing ? (Not talking about the
plain text .INI, which I *can* adjust as necessary.) I cloned the relevant
files from one C: primary to the other C: primary, for reasons I won't go
into here, and, not too surprisingly, it doesn't work. There must be
something in the *code* portion of the file that is responsible for pointing
the loader at its target.
I'm trying to get all of the Win-crap set & out of the way on this Shuttle box,
before I install the eCS partitions. Things should work out better that way.
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