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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Well, here's the latest on ICQ, specifically PWICQ if anyone is interested. I
tried downloading a few files from Steven's reference URL
(, specifically and PWICQ2OS2-Preview.exe. I installed the latter first, and
the first attempt to run the program worked! It started, ran and I was able to
login into my pre-established ICQ account (number and password). My first act
was to respond to a message that Steven had left for me a couple of days earlier
(did you get the response?) and it seemed to dispatch. All is well, right?
Well, not quite. The window wouldn't move from the spot it started in and I
couldn't get the 'add/search user' window to come up (clicked and no response),
an otherwise very important function for any IM client. The "Base" package
locked up my computer where it needed CAD to get going again - so I spent the
rest of my time only on "Preview".
So, although I am encouraged that it actually goes on line and appears to send
a message, there are still some necessary fixes befor the program is usable.
Is anyone aware (Steven?) of the development plans/profile of the system? Is
it expected that Perry is still working on the program? Is there anything else
I should try to get it working?
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