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Hi Harry =
Thanks a lot for your concerns and efforts ;-)
Everthing here was OK and without any wrong installation & settings !
The only wrong, or better dumb, thing was RSJ CD Writers behavior ;-(
I faced exactly the same problem as Gary !!
ASPIROUT.SYS was listed in the CONFIG.SYS but RSJ CD writer =
wants it in its own directory ;-((
Since I placed it in the RSJ CD writer directory it worked first time:
CDattach worked and the RSJ drive icon appeared in the Drive folder ;-)
Also the first experiments with some pics copying from HDD to the CD =
media worked and are visible on another PC too ;-))
Now I am facing 2 new things:
1) Booting the system I get the following intervention:
Lazy writes are disabled.
Read ahead is disabled.
Press enter to continue ...
How can I overcome this stop during the boot phase ?
I cannot find any entries in the CONFIG.SYS nor in the STARTUP.CMD !
Where do I need to search and change ?
2) With my Plextor PX-W2410 I got 2 empty CD's.
One is a CD-R and the other one is a CD-RW !?
My experiments worked well with the CD-R media =
but CD-RW was not rereadable / usable on my 2nd system !
It seems I only need these CD-R medias !!!
What is the difference of the CD-RW and when do I need / use them ???
Any advise and hints are very appreciated ;-)
Thanks in advance and cheers
svobi =
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