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Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 10:21:09 PDT7
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: BackAgain2000 wont write to CD-RW via RSJ

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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In <>, on 09/12/03
at 06:46 AM, "Harry Motin" said:

>>Part of my trouble was the fact that some DAT and catalog files were
>>stored in the main BA2KWS directory rather than the Sets and Catalogs
>>sub-directories with the result that the appropriate catalog could not be
>>found when I tried to back up.

A few additional comments on this.

> 1. *.DAT files that contain your backed up files, folders, etc. When you
> want to restore your system, you use BA2K to find the appropriate one
>from which to restore

The DAT files go where you put them. If you tell BA2K to put the DAT
files in you BA2K home directory, that's where they are going to go.

> 2. *.BCT BA2K catalog files. Each one of these is a listing of a backup
>that you made (what was backed up, where you stored the backup, etc.).

These files are optional. There's a settings toggle to suppress them. If
you need the space, you can delete the catalog files. BA2K can recover
the catalog from a backup set, as Harry described. The location of the
catalog files seems to be hard coded. If am not sure how Jack got BCT
files in th BA2K home directory, although I have some ideas.

There's one additional file type, MTF. These only exist if you backup to
tape. They are an image of the standard volume catalog that is written to
the tape.

> 3. *.BST BA2K backup sets. These are files that you create as part of
>the backup process. The contain information on exactly what you want in
>your backup. What files and folders to backup, backup with compression

The BST files go where you put them. If you tell BA2K to put the BST
files in you BA2K home directory, that's where they are going to go.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.37 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.093c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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