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Peter Hooper wrote:
> it takes the best part of a minute to do a "DIR *.LST>NUL" where there are 44,000 ".LST" files!
If you want to try to find the bottleneck, put the *.LST files on a RAM
drive and then time your DIR. (I don't know of an HPFS RAM drive.)
You might also get some interesting results by running DIR against
smaller amounts of files and seeing if there is a point where the time
suddenly jumps a large amount. I've had this happen with other types of
benchmarking tests. If you know Rexx you can write a little program
which will automatically run DIR and measure the elapsed time for file
counts of say 1000, 2000, ... 44000 files. Use the TIME() function.
Steven Levine admonished me a while back for not clearing the buffers
between benchmark loops so be sure to do that if you don't want to get
yelled at.
- Peter
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