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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <>, on 09/14/03
> at 11:04 PM, Tom Brown said:
>>I found apmtst on the IBM EWS site (via Google), but I could not find
>>udsktop. I looked on Google, Hobbes, LEO, Norloff. Any suggestions?
> There's a version at the os2bbs (, IIRC). Guest access to
> is free via telnet. I know there is also a better version
> of APMTST there.
I found Works great so far for what I want to do. I have not
tried APMTST (yet).
Another question: AUTOEXEC.BAT is run when a DOS window is started. Is
there any similar facility for eCS windows? I am trying to have a .CMD
file run each time I open an eCS window. I want to run a MODE command to
set the window size to 80,50.
Thanks again!
Tom Brown
thombrown at san dot rr dot com
Member SCOUG, V.O.I.C.E. & SDAA
running eComStation GA + FP 3
eCS system uptime is 0 days 00:18 hours
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