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On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 10:52:14 PDT7, J. R. Fox wrote:
>Mark replied to Jeffrey Race:
>> Colorworks does layers and can clone, not sure about skewed lines.
>> Photo>Graphics also does layers, but I'm not sure about the other thin=
>The latter was the name I was having trouble remembering. All of these,
>including Embellish, are long off the market and may be hard to find.
>One of them, definitely not Colorworks, probably Embellish, may have
>been released to the OS/2 community ?
Yes, Embellish was released. Here's the latest on it from the Dadaware=20
home page.
Dadaware Homepage
Well boys and girls, we gave it our best shot but it wasn't to be. =20
We had some fun and learned a lot. We also created some damn fine=20
software along the way. Yep, Dadaware is history, the laws of=20
supply and demand have ruled against us.
But hey, it doesn't cost us anything to allow you to continue using
Embellish. So feel free to grab a copy. Our only restriction is=20
that you don't post these files on other sites, even in death we=20
want to retain control...
Fully functional non-demo versions (woo hoo!) are temporarily=20
unavailable because so many downloads hit that our ISP resitricted=20
our bandwidth. We are working to find a new home:
Embellish for OS/2 - We have recieved reports about problems with a=20
missing file called EPFIPII.DLL needed for installation. We are=20
looking into this, please do not send emails. Several users have=20
reported a workaround though - If you have Netscape adding=20
Netscape's SIUTIL directory to your libpath statement takes care of=20
the problem.
Question or comments about Dadaware? Too bad.
Copyright =A9 1997-99 Dadaware - Last Update: May 10, 2002
Judging by that "Last Update" date, I guess we shouldn't hold our=20
breath waiting for Embellish to become available on their website=20
The restriction against posting makes it improper for SCOUG to step in;=20
but they don't say anything about private exchanges. So if you're=20
really anxious to get Embellished, I would be willing to forward what I=20
Jack P.
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