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In <>, on 09/07/03
at 10:50 PM, (Sandy Shapiro) said:
>That's what I thought. But when I configured a hard drive for JFS, my
>backup software ground to a halt when the a file size reached 2.1 gb. It
>didn't do that when I was using tapes, and I thought it would be the same
>using JFS.
I thought I replied to your original message several days ago. Did it get
Just because one part of a system support some increased limit does not
mean that all parts of a system will support the increased limit. A
classic case is the continually increasing capacity of today's disk
drives. In order to use the capacity, all parts of the system have to
support it. This includes the BIOS, the motherboard hardware, the drivers
and the file system.
This is just another of those cases where assumptions turn out to be
invalid. You assumed the only file size bottleneck was the file system.
This is clearly not the case.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.37 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.093c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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