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>Hi Harry and other listeners
>I am happy too that Gary managed to get his RSJ running =
>with new Plextor PX-2410 ;-)
>Unfortunately my result wasn't that lucky ;-(
>I also followed HCM's cookbook step by step and found it =
>installed but not working yet !
>Two things are curious:
>Even with pathes listed in config.sys one file cannot being found and
>therefor does not start !
>Also CDattach does not work !!
>Finally after 2 hours I stopped investigations and retries.
>Now I have a registered RSJ V5.03 installed but need =
>to find out more another time !!!
>Since I knocked down my experimental system last =
>Friday I fear Murphy's Law to do the same on my wife's =
>system with this installation ;-|
>Have a nice weekend,
> on 21.09.2003 00.12.19
>Please respond to
>cc: =
>Subject: SCOUG-Help: Plextor PX-W2410A Installation/Configuration (Was:
>CD-R/RW Upgrade Plans)
>On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 13:00:55 PDT7, Gary Granat wrote:
>>Harry, I really appreciate the assist. It would have been very
>frustrating to
>>figure this out on my own. 'preciate it!
>You are entirely welcome. I noticed that your setup was almost exactly
>what you needed.
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