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Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 18:28:24 PDT7
From: "Dr. Jeffrey Race" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Firebird mystery

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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On Sat, 13 Sep 2003 15:38:45 PDT7, Steven Levine wrote:
>The horror is the apparent inability of a noticable percentage of OS/2
>users to read the couple of shorts sentences at:
> <>
>This page describe exactly what's needed for each version of Firebird or
>Mozilla. I guess in this age of internet speed folks tend to stop reading
>after the first sentence, if they get that far.

I see

"August 28, 2003 Mozilla 1.5b has been released. The OS/2 version is
available as a Zipfile. Installation notes can be found here.
Please Note: This release requires updated C runtime DLLs from

"August 1, 2003 Mozilla Firebird 0.6.1 (Zipfile) and Thunderbird 0.1
(Zipfile) have been released. Both of these require the C runtime
DLLs from Innotek. Just copy the two DLLs to the same directory
as the executables, or put them somewhere in your path."

These two entries say nothing about all the problems that have been
ventilated here.

The policy I have had to adopt to preserve my sanity as well as some
minimal time for a life is to go for the simplest and stay a few
generations behind on everything, letting the cutting-edge experts like
Steve do all the heavy lifting to shake down the latest and greatest.

I am still using PMMail 1.96 (very happily) and WordStar for DOS V 7.0D.
These do their jobs without complaint day after day and cause no problems.

As an example of the 'latest and greatest' horror spectacle, look at
Acrobat Reader. We had a very good platform for universally readable
file creation and presentation. The Adobe went on the MS business model
of generating versional incompatibilities to drive sales. Their Reader
4 had lots of problems, so they released Reader 5 and a new PDF creation
tool, which made files incompatibible with old Readers (like ours on OS/2).
There were so many problems they released V 6, but due to version
incompabitilities, some firms have to keep two separate tracks of machines,
5 and 6. All this is thrashed out daily on the PDFZone forum.

My solution: stick with Distiller 3, which creates files to the PDF 1.2
standard, which everyone can read.

Jeffrey Race


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