>In <>, on 09/25/03
> at 11:46 PM, said:
>>Last night during the online help desk Steven Levine told me to download
>>and apply WRx8600 and WRx8621 before I installed Mozilla.
>>The warpupdates site at says WR08600 is no longer
>>available but it seems to be availablewith a Software Choice
>>Is there some other way to get the stack needed for Mozilla 1.4?
>It appears that either wr_08600 has been replaced by wr_8610 or that I
>just got a number wrong. Just install wr_08610 and wr_08621 and you will
>end up at the same place with a fully updated MPTS 5.4 with a version of
>the 32-bit TCP/IP stack installed.
>Just work you way down the W4C column at:
> <>
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