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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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So what are you planning to get (make & model)?
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 15:10:53 PDT7, Gary Granat wrote:
>If you are responding to someone asking for help who
>may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
>REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
>On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 06:07:36 PDT7, Mark Abramowitz wrote:
>>>Not a chance. Should I construe this to be your estimate that processor
>>>speed is a nonissue?
>>I'm no expert, but I can't understand why this should matter. Perhaps the
>>reference is because of the packaged software and drivers - I've seen lots
>>of hardware that does this.
>On Thu, 4 Sep 2003 07:58:17 PDT7, Steven Levine wrote:
>>>Not a chance. Should I construe this to be your estimate that processor
>>>speed is a nonissue?
>>Pretty much. I read these kinds of statements more as a measure of the
>>CPU power needed to run the bundled Windows apps.
>Thanks to you both. That clears up a bunch of anxiety. Off hand, I couldn't
>see how the basic function of the CD-RW drive was processor speed dependent (up
>to a point, I suppose -- the system has to be able to feed the data to the
>drive at some reasonable speed) but no one bothers to advertise that. Oh,
>Steven further said:
>>One thing that no one has really mentioned is that there are just a few
>>manufacturers of CD-RW drive mechanisms. Most of what you buy will be a
>>rebadged version of one of these base drives.
>Interesting point. One thing I read yesterday (and I can't recall just where)
>claimed that a particular Plextor model was a rebadged NEC drive. The author
>of the comment didn't think much of the firmware, for some reason. This came
>from a German source, and it seemed to me that there was a preoccupation with
>firmware updates and firmware quality.
>Anyway, I'm getting ready to commit in the next day or two, probably. I have
>appreciated the thoughts and assistance from all concerned.
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