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Steven Levine writes:
> In <20030613034257.17354.qmail@courtney.linkline.com>, on 06/12/03
> at 08:42 PM, waynec@linkline.com said:
>>Finding that "Selective Install for Networking" object would be a big
> You either lost it or never installed it. :-)
You are probably right, I didn't know "Installation Utilities" weren't a
default or that they provided those objects.
> IIRC, you can get the folder back with Selective Install. Click on Next
> until you get to the page listing Optional System Utilities. Check it.
> Click on More and select Installation Utilities.
> If that fails, just run \ibminst\npconfig.exe from either the hard drive
> or the Warp4 CD.
I'll try it.
>>What do you think I've been trying to do for the last three weeks?
> Don't ask. :-)
I don't have to, really.... but I say again, I do not claim to be an expert
on OS/2, never had any formal training on it.
>>For instance, I sent out several iptrace
>>listings of my "not able to find www.abcde.com" problem, including one
>>to you
> That may well be true, but I sure can't find them, so you need to resend
> them. The last correspondence I have on your abcde problem was regarding
> nslookup traps.
Apparently I made the mistake of putting the term "www.xxxxxx.com" in my
email to you (where "xxxxxx" was meant to be a substitute for whatever
website I was trying to go to) and the email was probably intercepted by a
spam filter and relegated to your spam file. I was not aware of this spam
filter requirement. I sometimes find scoug posts in my own spam file, as
well... now I know how it happens.
I'll send the trace to you separately, but I suspect that's a futile effort
and that it would be more productive for me to re-install the networking
>>I asked point blank (several times in my
>>prior posts over the past days) how I could re-install those folders to
> Keep in mind that while you may be frustrated by your inability to resolve
> your problems, the folks on this list are busy as times and the help is
> given for free.
Yes, I am aware of that, and I appreciate the help... the problems have been
so numerous that if I waited a day or two to get replies on each before
trying anything else, it would be a year or two before I got through them.
So I admit I have done a lot of muddling along, trying to make progress or
at least make sense of the problems at hand. I've asked "big picture"
questions frequently (purposely omitting details at times) because I needed
to try to see the forest instead of the trees. This last issue is an
>>What "process"??? If you've got one, I sure wish you'd share it with me,
> I did. It's the same process we used to get working boot diskettes for
> you AMD box.
Well, actually we never did get working boot diskettes for my AMD... I just
thought we did at one point because they finally booted up. The problems I
cited were on the AMD, which is the ONLY machine I have been trying to make
the install diskettes for.... I already had a set that worked fine on the
>>computer, and fixed on the other. I'm STILL struggling! (except today I
> I guess I'll say it again. I don't know how to fix struggle. If you
> provide an explanation of the failure that I can understand, I or someone
> else can usually provide a solution. However, until we understand your
> explanation of the problem, solutions are unlikely.
Let me try again:
1. I have the problem of building a Warp partition on the AMD that sees and
understands the WDC 40gb ide drive that I added after cloning my old Warp
from the P2 to the scsi on the AMD. I had also originally done a vanilla
install of Warp from diskettes onto a second scsi partition before I got the
40gb ide drive, but neither partition was bootable after the ide drive was
Problem 1 is partially solved, in that I was finally able to build a new
(from scratch) Warp partition on the ide drive from the Warp cdrom, the
WarpUp cdrom and the tailored install diskettes, except that:
a) The tailored install diskettes never did work "automagically", I still
had to manually transfer a number of files onto the hard drive (they were on
the install diskettes but were not transferred onto the hard drive during
the install process). I also had to tailor the config.sys on the hard drive.
This was a very lengthy reiterative process until I finally had the install
diskettes seeing both drives (u160 scsi and 40gb ide), and creating an
installable partition on the ide drive, and then, after the Warp install,
getting it to boot up.
b) This new Warp ide partition is a "vanilla" Warp, with none of the
installed programs and customizations I have on my old Warp partition, so I
now have the problem of figuring out how to get those things onto the new
c) This new Warp ide partition is very close to the front of the drive, far
closer than I'd like, because I wanted to leave lots of room for a future
WinXP partition. Right now I have a 4000mb empty primary partition at the
front, followed by a 7mb Boot Manager partition, followed by a 1992mb hpfs
logical Warp partition, followed by freespace. That seemed to be as far from
the beginning of the drive that fdisk would allow me to build an installable
If I could solve b) I could run Warp off the scsi drive and let WinXP have a
bigger partition on the ide drive. I purposely built this ide Warp partition
to prove that I could do it, and to see if a brand new Warp would eliminate
the "www.abcdefg.com not found... " problem... see 3, below). It did not
have problem 3, but I also have to solve b) and c) in order to put that
knowledge to good use.
2. I had the unrelated problem of not being able to connect to the Netware
server on a third computer, a PS/2. This turned out to be a hardware problem
in that I had an ethernet cable plugged into a port that (I have since found
out) is shared with the "uplink" port on my LinkSys router (the LinkSys
literature tells you to plug the server into the "uplink" port), and using
that associated port is a "no-no" that I did not know was a "no-no".
Problem 2 is solved.
3. On the P2 I have the "www.abcdefg.com not found. Please check the name
and try again." problem. This problem was, of course, propogated to the AMD
when I first cloned the Warp partition onto the AMD's scsi drive as
I know all that is confusing... essentially right now I have 2 computers I'm
working on:
The P2, which has been my primary computer, still has the "www.abcdefg.com
not found ..." problem, and is obviously missing the installation utilities.
It has a lot of customizations and programs I'd like to keep.
The AMD, my recent addition, which now has:
1. A vanilla Warp fp15+ partition on the ide drive but in the wrong place, I
want to leave much more room for a future WinXP.
2. A vanilla Warp fp15+ maintenance partition on the scsi drive, which
stopped booting once I installed the ide drive. I haven't made a concerted
effort to get this partition working again.
3. A cloned scsiWarp partition that has all the problems, installed
programs, and customizations of the Warp on the P2.
In the future I want;
A) the AMD to be bootable either from scsiWarp (with all my customizations
and installed programs), or from WinXP
B) the P2 updated to eliminate the "www.abcdefg.com not found ..." problem,
and updated/fixed so it is more maintainable (ie, the missing "Selective
Install for Networking" and other stuff)
C) a set of install diskettes that actually work without requiring a lot of
manual revisions to the resultant hard drive libraries.
How about some "big picture" advice on how to proceed, with enough detail to
get me started?
>>diskette's config.sys), AND with an fdisk that sees the entire ide
>>drive, AND the scsi drive. I still haven't successfully created a set
>>that does ALL of that.
> For which system? Again you are not being clear. We have, so far, worked
> with you an at least 3 different systems. You may know which system you
> are talking about and exactly what you think you have on the diskettes and
> in config.sys. I can only guess and I tend to be a bad guesser.
See my comments above; diskette contents will be attached as files to this
>>had no communications folders on it at all... go figure! (my guess... it
>>altered the corresponding folders on a different partition, or didn't
> Like I said, I'm a bad guesser.
So am I, but in retrospect, I seem to recall once in the distant past when I
re-installed networking (apparently I had the right objects at that time)
and it saw the network folders on another partition and either did not
re-install that time, either, or it upgraded the other folders (can't
remember which), hence my guess.
>>apparently insists on it being very close to the beginning of the drive,
> Again insufficient information. Define close. Warp4 can only boot from
> partitions located in the first 1024 logical cylinders.
See above. Apparently 1024 logical cylinders is a very small portion of the
40gb drive.
>>even though it is a logical partition). Side note: I also learned fdisk
>>apparently sees an ntfs partition as if it were an hpfs partition. As I
> That's expected. MS decided to use the same partition type code for NTFS.
Wasn't expected by me, it was a revelation... so how do Warp and WinXP
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The volume label in drive A is DISK 1.
Directory of A:\
AHA164X ADD 20022 8-12-96 1:29a
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Press any key when ready . . .
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Press any key when ready . . .
(Continuing A:\)
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README INS 32845 8-28-96 3:04a
RESERVE SYS 5704 8-12-96 1:14a
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Press any key when ready . . .
(Continuing A:\)
RESRV SNP 5259 8-12-96 2:39a
SBCD2 ADD 18836 8-12-96 1:50a
SBCD2 SNP 2843 8-12-96 2:33a
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SONY31A ADD 32738 8-12-96 1:53a
SONY31A SNP 8150 8-12-96 2:36a
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80 file(s) 1378102 bytes used
49664 bytes free
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The volume label in drive A is DISK 2.
Directory of A:\
ANSICALL DLL 512 8-12-96 3:00a
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BUILD ID 10 6-01-01 6:28p
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FIXVGA CMD 417 3-27-01 4:31p
HARDERR EXE 9415 8-13-96 11:05a
Press any key when ready . . .
(Continuing A:\)
HPFS IFS 141378 8-13-96 11:17a
KBDCALLS DLL 1024 8-12-96 3:02a
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POINTDD SYS 1811 8-12-96 2:18a
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RMVIEW EXE 32503 8-12-96 1:13a
SCREEN01 SYS 12104 3-23-01 8:14p
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SYSINST2 EXE 159984 8-13-96 3:11a
SYSLEVEL OS2 165 8-12-96 1:30a
TEDIT EXE 9390 8-09-96 1:02a
Press any key when ready . . .
(Continuing A:\)
TEDIT HLP 212 6-14-96 10:58a
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46 file(s) 1429822 bytes used
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The volume label in drive A is DISK 3.
The Volume Serial Number is D87C:2814.
Directory of A:\
BACKUP EXE 35040 11-15-00 7:36p
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CHKDSK32 DLL 139227 10-06-00 2:03p
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IBM1FLPY ADD 35418 10-08-02 6:02a
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ODPANS DLL 21968 8-12-96 2:14a
ODPRTDRV EXE 12039 8-12-96 2:14a
OS2CDROM DMD 40156 10-08-02 6:14a
Press any key when ready . . .
(Continuing A:\)
OSDELETE EXE 68356 8-12-96 2:13a
OSO001 MSG 175354 11-14-00 3:59p
PATH_AMD CMD 31 6-03-03 5:07p
RESTORE EXE 39280 11-15-00 7:39p
SHPIINST DLL 37304 10-19-00 8:57p
TEDIT EXE 9390 9-05-00 4:41p
TEDIT HLP 14595 6-03-03 11:45p
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29 file(s) 1357745 bytes used
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="disk1.snoop.lst"
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; snoop.lst - for Wayne - with excess SNPs disabled
; Sat May 31 22:26:48 PDT 2003 SHL
; SCSI Snoopers
; Misc. Snoopers
; CDROM Snoopers
; Audio Snoopers
; Misc. Snoopers
; Note: Place additional snoopers above this line
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="disk1.config.sys.lst"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="disk1.config.sys.lst"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
rem config.sys - for Wayne - with excess drivers disabled
rem Sat May 31 22:26:40 PDT 2003 SHL
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rem basedev=jjscdrom.dmd
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ifs=cdfs.ifs /q
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rem basedev=aha174x.add
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rem basedev=tmv1scsi.add
rem basedev=lms206.add
rem 154569 basedev=lms205.add
rem basedev=mitfx001.add
rem basedev=sony31a.add
set os2_shell=cdboot.exe
set oemprogram=\ibminst\npconfig.exe
set exitwhendone=1
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