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Steven Levine writes:
> In <20030616052225.54992.qmail@bjork.linkline.com>, on 06/15/03
> at 10:21 PM, waynec@linkline.com said:
>>ide and install Warp from cdrom), now I'm not sure what changed, but I
>>am once again having difficulty loading the diskettes... diskette 1 is
>>hanging on "loading ibm1s506.add" now (it already loaded aicu160.add). I
>>thought I'd resolved this, but...
>>It's possible that I disconnected the scsi cable to get around this
>>diskette problem when I created the new "vanilla" Warp4 fp15 partition
>>(from the Warp cdrom) on the 40gb ide drive.
> Well, only you can determine what you changed. Try booting with the SCSI
> out. If the diskettes work, then we can guess that's where you stopped
> working on the diskettes last time.
That does appear to be what happened. I disconnected the scsi cable and the
tailored install diskettes booted. I'll attach an fdisk /query:all of the
ide disk done from the booted diskettes.
>>os2scsi.dmd, except that I am using the dani equivalents and jjscdrom on
>>the Warp partition. I regret to say I am not certain if I had to go to
>>the dani equivalents to get the partition to boot properly... I think
>>not, but I do recall having difficulty at first with the cdroms before I
>>changed drivers.
> This would all be much easier if you kept some notes of what you did when.
> Your nature is to try to do too much at one time compared to how much you
> can recall from memory.
Too true, old age and impatience are a terrible combination around
>>That, my friend, will not be easy, if even possible, which is why I
>>originally intended to simply clone the old partition rather than trying
>>to start over from scratch.
> Well, unless you have all the applications installed to the boot partition
> or you really meant to say you intended to clone all the partitions with
> the same drive letters your intended method would not achieved the result
> you desired.
I intended to clone all the partitions with the same drive letters.
All the applications and all the drive letters are available on the cloned
scsiWarp partition on the AMD, and they work.... when the ide 40gb drive is
powered off, otherwise I can't boot that cloned scsiWarp partition, no
matter how I hide or unhide partitions to get the drive letters set up to
make scsiWarp the D: drive.
So, to recap the problems, the title of this thread is meant to be about the
problem on my P2 (old computer): getting an alert message when I click on a
bookmark under Mozilla or Netscape... (apparently) dns usually fails to get
me to the website on the first try (and a similar failed result if I do
pings to a website), but it works after a random number of tries. Let's call
this problem 1 for this discussion.
But, we are now discussing several problems in this thread...
An offshoot of problem 1 is my building a "vanilla" Warp4 fp15 partition on
the ide 40gb drive of the AMD to see if it would have problem 1. It does
not, it gets to websites at the first click on a bookmark. I wanted to do
this test because I thought my networking folders on the P2 might have a
miamatch in levels, and that I might be able to use these new folders to
repair my P2.
Problem 2 is about not being able to boot my cloned scsiWarp AMD partition
(copied from the P2) when the ide 40gb drive is powered up. A number of
smaller problems were encountered and fixed during the attempts to solve
this, but the basic problem remains, and other problems arose (the install
diskettes, for instance .... read on).
An offshoot of problem 2 was my attempt to tailor a set of install diskettes
that would work with the 40gb ide on the AMD, so I could use them to make
alterations to the scsiWarp cloned partition to try to get it to recognize
and use the ide 40gb drive. Except I never got them to be able to boot on
the AMD when the scsi drive is cabled in. Incomplete as they are, however, I
was able to use them to tackle the offshoot of problem 1 (above) because
they enabled me to build that test vanilla Warp4 fp15 partition on the ide
> snip <
>>If you want the IP addresses of my computers, I'd prefer to send them to
>>you off-forum. The NIC address in my AMD ends with "..ABCD", while the
>>Netware server ends with "..F08D"
> Whatever. You are probably using IP addresses in the 192.168.x.x range.
The 192.168.x.x addresses are my LinkSys router ( as seen by my
local LAN-attached computers. My ISP LAN uses addresses in the range of
64.30.211.xxx (gateway is, and my IP is in that same
sequence), while the ISP's dns addresses are and
(I haven't got the latter dns address set up in my router, however).
> These are private addresses which everyone uses. There's nothing special
> about them other than that your ISP wiil not route them onto the Internet
> backbone unless they make a mistake. I don't need the ethernet
> addresses of your NICs. FWIW, your NIC addresses are in every IP packet
> you send to your ISP so it's not like they are hidden.
> I need to be able to correlate the IP addresses to the particular boxes to
> be able to say anything useful.
>>I regret to say that the traces I sent you may not both be from the
>>system as it is currently set up... if you are seeing addresses
>> & 7, those are Linkline dns addresses I've since changed
>>to just one of the two dns addresses that LinkLine says to use in my
> Just rerun the traces. I'll lose to obsolete ones.
OK, I will send you three traces off-forum.
The first is a straight trace showing several unsuccessful attempts to go to
a website, while the last attempt is successful.
The other two traces may or may not be inter-related. I started a trace on
the P2 (the machine with the dns problem) and clicked on a Mozilla website
bookmark, uncuccessfully. Then I started an iptrace on the AMD and did the
same on it, successfully. Then I went back to the P2 and clicked the
bookmark, this time successfully.
>>"vanilla" Warp4 fp15 works fine renews my desire to re-install
>>networking on the cloned partition. If that worked, then I could do the
>>same to my P2 Warp.
> It's your system. We can only provide guidance.
>>I have the same versions in both the install diskettes and the os2\boot
>>folder of the ide "vanilla" Warp4 fp15 partition, but I have since set
>>up the latter to use the dani drivers (danis506.add, danidasd.dmd,
>>daniatapi.flt, aicu160.add, os2scsi.dmd, jjscdrom.dmd)
> Mixing and matching like this is one to be better ways to get in trouble.
> You should be using the same version of the drivers on all your boot media
> and all your boot partitions. Sometimes you can get away with mixing and
> matching at random. It does not appear that you have this freedom.
I had tried, as I said previously, to put the dani drivers on the install
diskettes, but that got me into trouble later when I tried to install Warp
on the AMD from the Warp cdrom (that program couldn't find the cdrom, and
when I fixed that issue, it then insisted on ibm1s506.add). I have been
using the dani drivers on the P2 for several years. So, what do you suggest
(I thought everybody uses the dani drivers these days)?
>>computers, but long ago)... does the Warp primary partition need to be on
>> the same physical drive as WinXP?
> No.
>>Does that mean it has to be the C:
>>partition when booted?
> No.
So, all it has to be is a bootable primary partition anywhere on any drive?
I'm not sure how it becomes a D: drive except by having another primary
partition either in front of it on the same drive or on another drive in
front of the drive it's on. In that case, are you telling me if it's a
primary partition and it's in bootmanager, that any other primary partitions
that are put in bootmanager become invisible upon booting Warp, while
primary partitions NOT in bootmanager are visible to Warp? I still don't
quite grasp what you are telling me.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="QUERYIDE.LST"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="QUERYIDE.LST"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Drive Name Partition Vtype FStype Status Start Size
1 0000003f C: 1 07 4 0 4000
1 007d047e : 1 0a 2 4000 7
1 ideWarp D: 2 07 1 4008 1992
1 00bb86bd : 3 00 0 6000 32161
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