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Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2004 11:32:42 PDT7
From: Michael Rakijas < >
To: scoug-help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Adding SCSI after the install

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** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Sat, 7 Aug
2004 19:51:21 PDT7

> In <[]>, on
> 08/07/04 at 03:47 PM, Michael Rakijas said:
> >and the other RW. Because the SCSI adapter is not part of the small
> >repertoire supported during install, I temporarily put in an IDE CDROM to
> >get the OS installed which went OK.
> Let's say not supported off the CD. You can always supply additional
> drivers via diskette.

Sorry, that was the meaning I was trying to convey. The real story was that I
tried to add the SCSI drivers to a diskette booted install but I couldn't get it
to work. Not being able to tell where the problem was (was it me or was
something not working?), I went to the temporary IDE CDROM strategy -
apparently with good reason, I see now.

> >even the driver. I verified the target hardware (Tekram DC315 with
> >Yamaha drives) by temporarily plugging in another IDE hard drive,
> >installing DOS and installing the DOS drivers. It works fine there so
> >hardware, terminations are all fine. The OS/2 version added the
> >BASEDEV=TRM3X5.ADD device but it doesn't appear in the hardware manager.
> This driver has issues. I don't know about the v1.1 readme, but the v1.2
> readme contains specific negative statements about this driver. The
> recommendation is to try the equivalent SymBIOS driver.

Do you happen to know which one? I tried to use each of the supplied SymBIOS
drivers (SYM8XX.ADD and SYM_HI.ADD) and these didn't seem to work. I only saw a
note in the eCS 1.1 README related to LSILogic SDMS drivers (SCSI Device
Management Systems?) but nothing at the LSILogic web site (SymBIOS redirects to
here) looks remotedly appropriate.

> The Adaptec driver will not work. TTBOMK, the 2920 is a rebadge Future
> Domain.

A Future Domain TMC-3260 in fact, as the 2920A driver readme freely
acknowledges. The driver claims it will work with the 2920A that I have but
will not work for the FD version of the card (it says to use the FD16-700.ADD
for those). So much for the claim.

> Try using the /V option on the TekRAM BASEDEV and see if that provides any
> additional info.

I tried that and it either is still not loading or just not reacting to the
switch. No message or driver loading is visible. Even an Alt-F2 doesn't seem
to make a difference in being able to see any kind of message.

> >the OS. At boot time, in all conditions, I get the error:
> >"C:\OS2\BOOT\OS2CDROM.DMD specified in the DEVICE statement on line 48 of
> >the CONFIG.SYS file was not installed. Line xx is ignored - Press Enter
> >to continue".
> This is normal if the SCSI driver fails to load.
> >I thought I was missing the BASEDEV=OS2SCSI.DMD so I tried adding that in
> >various locations of the CONFIG.SYS and I got no different results.
> You don't need OS2SCSI.DMD. It only required for some really old tape
> backup units.

As an aside, does this include the 8mm Exabytes (8505) that I may want to use
in a different machine, do you know?

> HTH,
> Steven



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