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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
In , on 08/19/2004
at 02:31 PM, "Steven Levine" said:
>> Since the manual is complete; that says there ain't no way I can
>>shrink the command line to less than 500 characters.
>Humm. I don't see anything the the manual that says the minimum command
>line is 500 characters.
I am just saying that everything I believe I am going to need to put
in the command line is going to make it a very long command line.
Right now I am waiting until my nurse gets here tomorrow after-
noon to shut down my computer and move some CD-ROM drives and the DAT
drive around and put it all back together.
Hopefully it will result in all drives working and I will still be
able to put a music CD in the last CD-ROM drive.
Then I can do some testing and try some burning over the weekend.
This message was sent to you by: Don(ald) O. Woodall
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"Don{ald} O. Woodall"
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