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i-lists wrote:
> Hi Peter
Hiya, Svobi, what's up?
> I just changed back from my aircraft-thundering-server-system
How much electricity did that thing draw?
> Well, the change from C: to D: ...
> ... I would not have done this ;-|
You're hired. Show up at 8 on Monday. :)))
> Have you checked for (wrong) pointers with UniMaint ???
I'm a hundred miles away from the server and I only talk to it via
Telnet (command line). I don't have remote GUI control at this time.
Exactly which UniMaint tests are you recommending? A lot of the server
stuff doesn't use the OS2*.INI files.
> Another help would be ConfigTool !?
Hmm. I probably should install that on the server. Good idea.
> Well, my ISP and its telecommunication company (Swisscom)
> just upgraded ADSL to some higher and more accurate
> transmission levels a week ago ... when it works it
> really runs from previous 512 to now 2400 ;-)
That's half a T2 (or half an E2 on your side of the Atlantic). Man,
those KaZaA downloaders could _really_ chew up some tunes on your line.
> Have a nice, and hornblowing-less, weekend
Mr. Hornblower wants tons of people to visit his Rescue-Europe site.
> PS - I think you know too: Captain Hornblower is
> a adventurous figure in books. See this link:
Hey, thanks, I didn't know. From your link, it's a series of books that
C.S. Forester [lurkers: he wrote The African Queen] wrote beginning in
1937. And Gregory Peck starred in the 1951 movie. Ain't Google grand!
- Peter
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