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My trusty HP 1150C Multi-Function printer (includes flat-bed scanner
and copier) has failed, non-repairably according to HP practice. I
am seeking recommendations for replacement. Key points are
1-Must have OS/2 driver at least for printing (I could use the
IBM OS/2 driver for the HP 855C with the 1150C as they used
the same engine)
2-Very good color image printing (need not be photo-quality)
3-Relatively economical consumables. (Japanese units seem to
come with separate ink tanks for each color, unlike the HP
Available locally in Bangkok are following. I seek comment on
these plus any other suggestions anyone can offer
2310, 5682, 2410
CX5100 CX5300
MPC 400 MPC 600
Thanks for all help. I'd also welcome pointers to sources of
on-line reviews or comparisons.
Jeffrey Race
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