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Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 13:17:51 PST8
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Actiontec modem setup

Content Type: text/plain

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===================================================== writes:

> Steven Levine writes:
>> In <>, on 02/07/04 at
>> 12:46 AM, said:
>>> My hard drive problem seems to be intermittent... maybe it has something
>>> to do with the PCI modem and cdrw I recently added, although I doubt
>>> it.
>> If you have already, try running with the covers off. You may have a
>> head
>> problem.
> By this, can I assume there are typos in your reply and that you meant
> remove the computer tower covers to alleviate a possible heat problem?
> The hard drive may sit directly under the new cdrw drive (I'll check to be
> sure), so perhaps that's a possible cause if the cdrw puts out more heat
> than the old cdrom (although it's plugged in, I haven't actually been
> using the cdrw as yet, so it's probably not putting out heat).

I took the covers off and noted that the problem scsi drive was close to the
new cdrw, with a bit of space below, so I took the scsi drive out and
reversed the 5 inch to 3.5 inch adapter rails to lower it a bit in the bay,
away from the cdrw, hoping that would keep it cooler... now I can't get it
to sync at all. Reseated scsi cable several times and changed power cable,
etc, to no avail; scsi bios utility doesn't show it at all, and at bootup
the adapter shows the device code (IC35L009UWD210-0) with an "NSYNC"

The other scsi drive, which is identical, syncs at 40mb, which MAY indicate
the problem is outside of the drives, as I think it SHOULD sync at 160mb.

I may try shifting the scsi cable connectors later. I only have the one
68-pin scsi cable, with 2 drives connected but it has at least 2 more empty
connectors; problem is that there's not a lot of room to manipulate the
cable because of other cables crammed into that area, and I don't have
enough patience left to deal with it right at this moment.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Time to purchase a new cable?



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