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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Dr. Jeffrey Race wrote:
> 1-What do we know about this Sun solution's relevance to
> OS/2 in terms of support and in terms of competitiveness
> as an ap solution compared to SO, OO, SS or whatever?
Sun must feel it's currently viable or they wouldn't be putting on this
presentation. You'll be getting a StarOffice CD plus an eval copy of
their Java Desktop System ("evaluation copy" means you have to pay for
it if you continue to use it).
> 2-What technology would I use to join in the discussion.
> I am innocent of any knowledge of such applications.
> I have eCS 1.0 and Win98 running.
Click on the registration link in their message, then click to "about
eSeminars" on the left sidebar. That will get you started. There's a
contact if you have questions. Since it's a streaming video
presentation coming from Ziff-Davis, my guess is RealVideo on Windows --
but they may have other options (perhaps they can recommend a Java
player, in which case please let the rest of us know).
- Peter
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