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>Something must be wrong, as Harry said, and I'm thinking it must be setup.
Four different computers, probably eight or ten different burners/players, two
or three windows programs, CDRecord, and RSJ. Nah, its not the setup :-)
>The lasers on certain older Plextor models did have a problem reading (and
>maybe writing) certain media.
>I remain unconvinced about R/W. It sort of works on the Win platform, but
>those packet-writers (In-CD, Easy-CD, DLA) all apparently can take a serious
>toll on system stability, with most of the Win versions & installations I've
That is my point exactly.
>identally, I have seen extensive test results on the web, rating the quality
>of various DVD media for various DVD burners, and they report some very wide
>disparities in the reliability of results, according to what you use for a
>given burner.
Again, this is what I was trying to point out.
> Have recently found at least 3 SCOUG CDs from about 3
>years ago that are now unreadable.
Again, your statements back up my feelings and concerns
>The speed rating is skewed (like a lot of ratings on things you buy), to be
>advantageous for mfr. advertising, but on the deceptive side for the consumer.
Deceptive = lying
>How good is the player ? Cache settings ? (I think the SCSI bus throughput
>might tend to minimize the chance of this happening, because I don't recall
>seeing that . . . but I could be wrong.)
I bet SCSI makes a big difference, but that only helps my case that the whole
design system is borderline crap since the majority of PCs are IDE, or at least
I think that is the case.
> So far,
>though, it has been a total washout on the XPC. I'm hoping it's due to not
>having found the right setup yet.
A hundred bucks, and you have to keep tweaking it to make it work? No thanks.
That is what I am talking about.
>Nero is pretty good. (I'm talking full Nero 5x. The "lite" versions of 6 have
>not impressed me that much.)
>Hey, that's in most industries, these days.
And in Germany they pay $6 a gallon for gas, but that doesn't excuse the poor
quality, or the increase in the US for gas :) (Please, just making a comment,
not a political statement ) Always we excuse things because that's the way
its always done. It should be obvious that I have reached a point where the lame
products are inexcusable, from my POV.
>With enough of a budget, and enough redundancy, that can be a viable strategy.
$99 for 200Gigs is a pretty good bargain that at least I am sure will store and
retrieve my data. The reliabilty is no issue at all, since I have a drawer full
of CDs that used to be readable, but now are useless.
>Still, there is no replacing a need for good capacity *removeable* storage.
Not sure I agree, but everyone's needs are different
> I have to
>make PK-Zip archives onto a FAT partition with eCS (which I think and hope will
>preserve any EAs), then re-boot into W2K, where I *can* xfer them to removeable
>media. Very roundabout and cumbersome.
That is what I do, only I put the files on a hard drive that is sitting in the
drawer now, next to the CDs :-)
>Well, that's a valid concern. OTOH, a relative of mine (a Win user) has been
>doing DVD backups for some time now, with no apparent problem.
You keep validating what I said, even tho my attitude is not the best on this
>It is laughable whenver Gates gives a speech -- esp. to something like a
>Congressional panel -- and bleats about innovation. Because they've pretty
>much killed off most innovation.
Amen to that .....
Thanks for your input.
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