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Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 10:05:29 PDT7
From: "i-lists" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: DVD Experiences

Content Type: text/plain

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Hello SCOUGians
Following the late discussion of RSJ and also the DVD I am also
somewhat confused ;-(
I do look at this as two cases:

1) HW case: working with eCS resp OS/2 =

2) SW case: task oriented i.e any of the mentioned applications ie. RSJ
and others

If 1) is positive working, I assume ...
that 2) shall be possible working too, =

except the SW isn't written properly !?

I also do understand that HCM is protesting ;-|
I have gotten my Plextor 2410 running & working well, with HCM's
assistance ;-)
Thank you ;-))

One personal experience and possible help / hint regarding the settings
of a =

CD-Burner with RSJ would be following:

I am always setting the CD-ROM unit to S: on all systems !!!
My RSJ attach is always set to R: !!

Like this I have no confusion about their respective purpose:
S: Reading / Playing ONLY and ...
R or W: RSJ tasks mainly burning / writing stuff ;-)

HTH a little bit ;-))

Cheers, svob=EF on 17/06/2004 13:19:51
Please respond to
cc: =

Subject: SCOUG-Help: DVD Experiences

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 22:40:04 PDT7, Gary Granat wrote:

>installed RSJ on the Dragon box. When I rebooted, OS2CDROM.DMD
refused to =

>(an expected result, according to the discussions). =

I protest! That is NOT an expected, nor desired result. Something is
wrong with your =

RSJ setup.

>Prior to installing RSJ, the drive identified itself to the system as
"S" and
>acted like a normal CD-ROM reader. After RSJ was installed, "S" no
>appeared in the drive list, but RSJ offered to attach "Z" to the
system. When
>I did that, the CD-ROM in the drive became visible. Since I was more
>interested in reading CDs than in burning them, I commented out the
RSJ stuff
>and the Dragon returned to its previous state.

=46rom what I can gather on your discussion, I believe you have a
conflict of drivers. In =

your CONFIG.SYS how many *.FLT drivers do you have loading?

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