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Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 22:45:16 PDT7
From: "Harry Motin" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: OS2CDROM + RSJ a No-Go

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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J. R.,

Since you have REM'ed out the LOCKCDR.FLT line, can I assume that you are using
Daniela's drivers so that you can also use your read/write unit as a CD reader without
the need to attach it through RSJ (Danelia's back door)?

Below, please find my CONFIG.SYS setup. I have a YAMAHA CRW3200 unit, which is

Also, each time I upgrade RSJ I have to be careful and replace the cddrv.inf file that
comes with the new installation with my previous one. The previous one is the one that
works with my unit. I had to edit it per RSJ instructions to include the unit. Perhaps you
have a similar problem and forgot about it??

Also, I would concentrate on installing RSJ the normal way, without Daniela's
drivers/back door and get it to work that way, first. You will know that your RSJ
installation is correct, because you will get the feedback during bootup that it
successfully recognized your drive unit. If you REM out LOCKCDR.FLT and
RSJIDECD.FLT you don't get that feedback during the driver loading at bootup.

REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System ***
RUN=C:\CDWFS\CDWFSD.EXE -p "C:/CDWFS/TEMP" -c20000 -b2048 -t2 -i3 -s0
REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System ***


On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 21:57:32 PDT7, wrote:

>If you are responding to someone asking for help who
>may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
>REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
>OK., so I finally got to the point of replacing the cheap & flakey DVD
>reader I had in this XPC box with what should be a pretty decent DVD / CD
>burner. No problems in W2K: wnet right in, installed Nero 6, then
>promptly burned a CD.
>Not quite so easy in eCS 1.1. The drive connected O.K., it did not ask for
>any special driver, and could *read* CDs or DVDs right away. The problems
>kicked in after I installed RSJ 5.05 -- the last version I have before they
>hit you with another charged-for upgrade. Once RSJ went in, the OS2CDROM
>line in Config.Sys started bouncing like a check from Enron. I moved this
>line all over the place, commented out the LOCKCDR.FLT line (as I always
>have), and tried various other things. None of this seems to make a
>difference. The line is still rejected and does not load. Only if I
>comment out the RSJ lines can I get OS2CDROM to work again, allowing me to
>use this drive at least as a reader. So, absent the magic answer, I ain't
>burning any CDs on this rig (under OS/2) anytime soon. Suggestions ?
>On the all-SCSI tower, I've been using JJSCDROM for a long time, instead,
>with good results. I was under the impression that it was more applicable
>to a SCSI situation, but I may well be wrong. Guess that is what I will
>try next.
>mail2web - Check your email from the web at
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